REA Group with Seeker Agency | Case Study

Pranil Chandra April 5, 2024

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REA Group with Seeker Agency | Case Study

The Brief 

Seeker Agency was tasked by REA Group to craft a compelling and thought-provoking experience for its 1,200 clients. The event, featuring renowned speakers, sought to increase awareness and funding for charities committed to eradicating homelessness. This cause holds special significance for REA Group, the proprietors of renowned brands like and Mortgage Choice.  

REA Group's  READY 24 word displayed on an elevated stage.

The Solution

Utilising a variety of substrates, including paper and decal stocks, Next Printing provided tailored solutions for each activation area. From Reboard walls and House-shaped pop-ups to printed and laminated decals for walls and tables, as well as freestanding menus made from forex. Each solution was designed for easy transport, installation, and quick dismantling. A recycling service was also provided for all Reboard displays and paper products.  

REA Group's READY 24 Reboard wall that has mailboxes.

The Execution 

Working hand in hand with Seeker Agency’s creative minds, our Industrial designers flawlessly weaved the provided graphic elements into our bespoke walls, furniture cladding, and freestanding displays.

Project Sustainability in Numbers 

We replaced over 410sqm of MDF with Reboard, slashing 1,254kg of greenhouse gas emissions – that’s like taking a car on a 5,400km journey or powering an average Australian home for over 26 days!

Project Sustainability in Numbers 

These figures stem from a comprehensive analysis spanning the entire lifecycle. This encompasses everything from tree planting, material manufacturing, global shipping, delivery to Next Printing from a storage facility, production emissions following Next Printing’s efficient methodology, all transportation, recycling, and emissions resulting from disposal in landfills.

The Takeaway 

We thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with Seeker Agency on this impactful project. It not only educated participants in a vibrant and engaging manner but also contributed essential funds to a remarkable list of organisations dedicated to helping the less fortunate.

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